Executive Recruitment Solutions



This is a practical unit designed to prepare students for the world of work in

Recruitment in the position of an executive recruiter. It is the role of executive

Recruiters, also known as `headhunters’, to source potential candidates for high-level

Executive positions in companies. This is often referred to as an ‘executive search’ as

Executive recruiters coordinate with hiring managers to help define the specific

Requirements for these vacant and often ‘hard to fill ‘positions. Their main

Responsibility is to seek out highly qualified candidates through social media and faceto-

Face meetings.

The aim of this unit is to give students the employment knowledge and skills required

To carry out the role of executive recruitment. Students are introduced to the

Emerging practice of executive recruitment and the services provided in human

Resource management. Students will look at the job specification of an executive

Recruiter, including the key roles and responsibilities, skills requirements and career

Opportunities. Students will then cover executive recruitment methodology; managing

The process and managing client expectations. Students will have the opportunity to

Conduct an executive search, using a business simulated scenario, to facilitate ‘real

Life’ application for a given client brief to demonstrate skills.


Learning Outcomes


By the end of this unit a student will be able to:

  • Explain the nature and scope of the recruitment industry
  • Examine the role of executive recruitment for effective talent acquisition
  • Present the process of executive recruitment and the required skills at each

stage of the process

  • Apply skills for an executive search in a given business context to meet a

client brief.

المواعيد المتاحة

من 27-01-2025    الى 31-01-2025