International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
- القسم محاسبية ومالية
- الكود II2700
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Identify the components of comprehensive income and other comprehensive income
- Properly account for income taxes and determine current vs. deferent taxes
- Classify the various type of investments according to IFRS 9
- Determine the concepts of control and power and consolidate a set of financial statements
- Define the term significant influence and apply the equity method
- Apply the required steps in business combination and account for goodwill
- Overview of Fundamental Concepts in IFRS
- History of IFRS
- The complete set of financial statements
- Classification of assets and liabilities
- Components and classification of stockholders’ equity
- Total Comprehensive Income (TCI)
- Components of Other Comprehensive Income (OCI)
- Income Taxes (IAS 12)
- Recognition and measurement of current tax
- Recognition and measurement of deferred tax
- Recognition in profit and loss
- Deferred tax asset or liability
- Presentation and disclosure
- Financial Instruments
- Classification of financial assets under IFRS 9
- Business model and cash flow test
- Amortized cost
- Fair Value through Profit and Loss (FVTPL)
- Fair value through Other Comprehensive Income (OCI)
- Impairment of financial assets
- Presentation of financial instruments under IAS 32
- Disclosure requirements under IFRS 7
- Consolidation of Financial Statements (IFRS 10)
- Definition of power and control
- Identification of subsidiary
- Consolidation procedures
- Intercompany transactions
- Non-Controlling Interests (NCI)
- Loss of control
- Accounting for Joint Arrangements and Associates (IAS 28)
- Types of joint arrangements
- Joint operations versus joint venture
- Accounting for joint operations (IFRS 11)
- Accounting for joint ventures and associates according to the equity method
- Identification of associates and the concept of significant influence
- Impairment of investments accounted for under the equity method
- Types of joint arrangements
- Business Combinations (IFRS 3)
- Determining fair value
- Steps in the accounting process for business combinations
- The acquisition method
- Goodwill and gain from a bargain purchase
- Two options to measure non-controlling interests
- Impairment of goodwill
المواعيد المتاحة
من 26-05-2025
الى 30-05-2025
- كود الدورة : II2700 المدة : أسبوع
من 28-07-2025
الى 01-08-2025
- كود الدورة : II2700 المدة : أسبوع
من 15-09-2025
الى 19-09-2025
- كود الدورة : II2700 المدة : أسبوع
من 10-11-2025
الى 14-11-2025
- كود الدورة : II2700 المدة : أسبوع